…living chemical free is NOT boring….trust me.

Archive for the ‘minnesota’ Category

Abandonment & a sandwich..

David left for Philly on his first official business trip for Green Room Music Source on Friday. I was dreading him leaving me all month and was not a happy camper when he told me I was not allowed to go through check in with him. Normally I’d be glued to his side until it was time for boarding….but, security doesn’t like that. David informed me that I was a big girl and could leave him at the light rail station.

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Seriously, I’m NOT a morning person…so the fact that I was up and moving (and operating a motor vehicle ) was totally blowing my mind. It was 7:30  on a Saturday, and I was going to be productive. It was like,”o.m.g.   I get to get an Americano and pretend I’m normally up this early! I’m a grown up now!” Well, I don’t think the rest of society was fooled – my cat sure wasn’t fooled – but,  just because you are wearing cute heels and trouser denim slacks doesn’t mean you actually look put together and good. I still had on the previous nights smeary make up and total bed head…I guess you can only pull off Hobo-Chiche if you are 19 and wearing Uggs. I suppose my creepy giggles about shopping in the morning didn’t help either. Ace Hardware was my first stop and, buying 3lbs of lye and plastic boxes just made me look like a freaking armature terrorist.

My big box of supplies didn’t come in Friday…neither did my safety glasses…I was so bummed. I decided to rack up my credit card bill in the name of productivity and purchase everything I needed at various stores around town…and it only took me like…I don’t know, FOUR HOURS!!!  what a waist of time.

most beautiful Menards in the world...how high brow!

When David is away I like to indulge myself. I like to run around in ridiculous get ups made out of David’s old clothes, dance to my favorite music for exercise (Michael Jackson’s #1’s & The Pixies – Doolittle), & eat the weird foods that totally freak David out.

This little guy is called ‘white on white’. Its a super yummy combination of potato bread, cold extra-firm tofu, Swiss cheese, & miracle whip…heavenly. then I helped myself to a little soup and some Malta Goya! Malta Goya? Yeah…its this little weird Mexican drink that my local grocers has decided to add to there shelves….its basically beer for kids. Yep, a sweet sweet sweet malt beverage that is non-alcoholic….I don’t recommend it. I pretty much ate cheese the rest of the weekend…and chips & cold spaghetti sauce…nutritional.

And, then I made soap:

Lets see what’s on the racks! (for sale in 4-6 weeks!)

Cocoa butter & Rosemary Mint

Lemon & Soy milk

Cinnamon & flax seed


Unscented Laundry Bar

I worked for about 8 hours making soap. It seems like i would have a whole lot more than only 3 batches of soap in 8 hours but it is actually rather time consuming…i also managed to fit 7 movies in this weekend too; that might have something to do with it…maybe.

Anyways, i just got word that David has landed…I’m sure you will be able to read all about his adventures and how he met Andrew Zimmern right here…(David’s BLog).

Balls flavored coffee & Happy flavored soap!

I was up WAY too late last night…whew! Holy Cow.

(remember to read older entries….i stayed up way too late writing those too…don’t let it go to waste!)

I needed coffee this morning so badly that i just set my bag down and walked over to the pot. I didn’t even turn the store lights on or take off my coat…i needed it that bad. The tragedy that ensued was so sad…the coffee tasted like Balls.  That’s right, balls…and, not Steven Baldwin’s “Schwetty Balls.” What a disappointment….* sigh*

I made this instead.

Survey says:                NOT BAD!

can you tell i'm using a cell phone camera for ALL these??

"Hey! that's for the company..."

This is the product of the late night:

Citrus Herbal & Aloe Soap

Orange & Cocoa Butter Bar + Citrus Herbal & Aloe Bar

I didn’t get my new supply shipment yet so i’m back to developing new soaps and making the Orange & Cocoa Butter…Ginger & Vanilla Bean is going to have to wait a little longer. I still can’t believe it sold out!

Anyways…my house smells amazing.

What do you get when you mix your Eye & Lye??

THIS!!!! 🙂


I wish I was a bee…but…with out all the dying off stuff.

I always forget how freaking awesome growing up in a small town wasn’t…my husband and I seriously get excited when we get to explore a new small town; it’s weird. Its like we completely forgot that we ran from our little town like zombie puppies had taken over the population and had our scent in their nostrils. We HATED growing up there (winona, MN) because of the lack of culture and art …and fun-ness.
Over the last 10 yrs we have made a point to go back down to winona on the weekends but over the last two our opportunities to go have decreased. The band has us traveling so much we hardly have time to see our family! So, when we got to visit this last weekend, it was really a nice change from the weekend warrior craziness.

Change…well, maybe that’s too big of a word to use (we still played a freakin’ show for raisins’ sake)…it still wasn’t a vacation.

Anyways, we headed down the Mississippi river valley and took in the sights for a couple hours while we planned how we were going to take over the world. I was super pissed I didn’t see any eagles. After our show on Friday night we spent the rest of the weekend doing what most small town people to: throwing baby showers for friends & pub crawls….a zombie pub crawl to be exacpt. IT WAS AWESOME! What was more Awesome? David sneeking up on my Dad while he was hanging laundry the next day!!!! yes…He was still wearing Zombie garb the next day, and like a good little boy he drove his mother to the bank and target in the same state.

Instead of trying to gross my father out i decided to help him harvest herbs from my parents organic (not certified) garden. 

There were lovely Honey Bees every where! I was so happy because i love them and do not want them to die from cell phones, or pesticides, or Nintendo NES…or whatever it is. My Dad told me they were probably living in someones house and i secretly said, ” i hope it’s the weirdos’ house next door…” Actually, the bees deserve a better home.

The Garden was SO lush with growth from the rains we have had here in MN this summer. Now, generally when you have too much rain the quality of the herbs lack because the grow too quickly. The longer an herb takes to grow the more concentrated the flavor is. That was not the case here! they were huge AND aromatic! LOVLEY!

Dad harvesting Chives

MY Harvest of Menthol Mint for "Sweet Mint & Cucumber Soap"

It was great fun! It was so amazing collecting the different herbs that i use in my soaps by hand and smelling them right off the plant. I forgot how amazing the garden always is. Mom and Dad use a 50 gallon compost bin to fertilize their garden. the garden is probably only about 20×15…so, that’s  A LOT of nutrients!  We picked Sage, Oregano, Menthol Mint, Bergamont, & Nepeta. The Mint will go into my Sweet Mint & Cucumber Soap,  the Sage will go into a variety of concoctions and the Nepeta ( a form of catnip) will go into my facial serum. Nepeta is a lovely herb that smells and tastes like mint and licorice!

Too much Compost?!?!?

The zucchini on the left is only half the size it was when picked!

The Season of giving begins…in August?

All i can say is, “Wow!”

I cannot believe how fast my soaps and scrubs are selling. Customers are already stocking up for the holidays and what a better gift than something made locally and or by hand. Handmade soaps are pampering and special yet not incredibly expensive. I really think it’s a great idea! If you have loved ones that you would like to buy for but are unsure of which bars or jars to choose let me know… I have been helping people with personal shoppoing for years and love a challenge! EVERYONE uses Soap…or at least we hope they do…

Back to my inventory dwindling…Honestly…I’m kind of panicking.

What do I do if I run out? Work my butt of making more, that’s what! So tonight i start in on another batch of  these two~

Here they are, my two superstars – my number 1 & 2 sellers:



I really love this little bar..and by,  “little,” I mean it is the smallest bar i make… but, by NO means is it little.

When you have the monstrous Lime Castile soap to sit next to on the shelf…you start to look little.

Below, you can see this batch in its raw stage, this was just poured tonight and my whole place smells amazing, like fresh orange juice. Now, over the next 24 hours it will harden and start to smell less sharp and more sweet. I will then cut it, weight it, & let it cure for 6 weeks…or 4 depending on MN’s humidity.

This is a generous 4-5oz. bar that lathers well and is nice and hard. It was a funny process making this soap; the bar was super hard right away and the scent was overpowering. But, over time, as the bar hardened even more it seemed the scent was lost completely! I was SO worried…but then it came back again with its same sweetness and all was good. All was well.

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I love this bar because it’s simple. No swirls …just simple little specs of goodness.  It’s just so pretty to look at and so fun to make. You should have seen me the first time…I was covered in fresh ginger and sneezing like crazy! That stuff will get your nose running!

So, basically what goes into this pain staking soap is 1 lb of fresh ginger grated by hand and then expressed by hand to use as the liquid in the bar. Then I take 3 whole vanilla beans and remove all the seeds and pulp by hand. All this goes into the pot at just the right temp as to not burn off any essential oils or smells. It. Is. Hard!

What surprises me the most about this soap is probably its ability to lather..i mean REALLY lather…i think the ginger juice has something to do with it.

Now, if you are looking at either of these thinking that they will fill your room full of scent you are looking in the wrong place. They are actually a couple of  the most mild scented bars i offer. The orange is definitely stronger in smell but is still not pungent. The ginger is almost un-scented.

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The topic of scent is actually a pretty hot one in the soap making world. There is the side that roots for strong soaps that are scented so heavily that they could give any Bath & Body Works soap a run for its money, and then there is the camp that swears un-scented is the only way to go. I happen to fall right in the middle. First,  i’m not going to add ANY unnatural/synthetic perfumes to my products because i want to ensure that it is all natural but, that doesn’t mean that they cannot be strongly scented and fun. My lime castile is very STRONG and smells just like Lime Jell-O. Secondly, I do, however, love to allow the plants in my soaps to come through in their own way…just simple and sweet. Some soaps like the Ginger & Vanilla Bean are simply sweet all alone…

It’s true that as we age we lose some of our olfactory senses but,  i think a lot of it has to do with over saturation of scents and chemicals. If you remove yourself from the over whelming scents that attack you in mall hallways & your bathroom you’ll surprised at what you can smell…well, and remember to take your allergy meds.

the good, the bad, & the ugly – why i turned into a crazy lunatic who thought she could make soap.

Chemistry has never been a strong subject of mine, frankly I avoided it like the plague…senior year in high school I skipped any sciences that were not required and replaced them with art classes!

So now why the hell do i find myself covered in powders, mixing in beakers, & creating weird concoctions i store all over the house and in the fridge???

It wasn’t until I was suffering from a mired of illnesses in my mid-twenties that I decided to take another look into chemistry. I was diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis and another auto-immune disease; all of these illnesses that seemed to be separate all came together under one roof.  All of these symptoms – migraines, chronic fatigue, joint stiffness, arthritis, tendonitis, psoriasis, endometriosis,  asthma, heartburn, and skin pain – were holding me back so much.

It was suggested to me that I try a gluten-free diet, that I try “eating for your blood type”, and keeping a food diary. I did all this and nothing seemed to make a difference at all. Then I took a step back….why in the world would any of this help me? Maybe before I remove gluten or tasty-ness I should be removing chemicals! The hunt was on! What is in my food, what is in my house, and what is in my beauty products??  Lots and lots of awful stuff, that’s what.

The evil doers:

-Formaldehyde – bad for respiratory system, weakens the immune system

-Artificial colors like Blue 1 and Green 3 are carcinogenic

-Dibutyl phthalate – cancerous, found in nail polish’s like OPI

-DEA, MEA and TEA – found in shampoos, links between liver and kidney cancers

-Propylene glycol – found in deodorants & hair gel, causes brain, liver and kidney damage

-Sodium Laurel Sulfate (SLS) – found in shampoos, toothpaste, hand soap, carcinogen that penetrates deep into skin

– Flame retardants –  household furniture, textiles and electronic equipment, may cause neurological problems and disrupt thyroid function

– Pesticides – foods & bug sprays – Linked to neurological damage, asthma and other respiratory diseases, birth defects, cancer, and even suppression of the immune system

I was ingesting these chemicals everyday, I won’t even go into how bat SLS is for you here…we are saving that for a post all it own!

So, I started eating organic…the extra cost was hard to bear at first but, it pales in comparison to the medications that I was taking. I’m not saying I’m cured of anything…i’m still paying for meds and heavens knows that I’m still very miserable at certain times but, I’m certainly having fewer headaches and I feel better all over knowing that I’m reducing my chances of cancer and other illnesses.

The good:

So how does this all go back to chemistry?

I started making Soap. Why did i start making soap and turn my kitchen into a chemistry lab?

Well, a homemade soap contains NO SLS what so ever.  THE simplest way to create soap is by using only fats and lye. Now, lye (sodium hydroxide) is VERY caustic but once it meets the fat the two soaponify – turn into soap. The is NO lye left in a bar of soap once finished. You could eat that stuff if you wanted…granted it would taste horrible and make you feel very ill, but it is made out of all natural materials. Aside from eating an organic diet this was another way I could remove chemicals from my daily life. Then, I figured out how to make better and more nourishing soaps and soaps with character and purpose. I learned how to make laundry detergent, facial masks, toilet bowl cleaners, shampoo bars…the list goes on! THIS was my new calling! It is so much simpler than I thought it would ever be. NO longer was I afraid of chemistry! I actually loved chemistry…i always had but never knew it!

Desperate times drove me to a new career path and i could not be happier!

I’m going to be posting new post often and will be touching on some of the really dangerous stuff we should be avoiding, i will also be delving into another subject – Multiple Chemical Sensitivity – and, will be talking about my products as well.
